Group { name Glow_F help "Glow_F\n\nNatural glow effect using the exponential blur method.\nAberation chromatic effect is also include in the node.\n" knobChanged "c = nuke.toNode('Copy3')\n\nif nuke.thisKnob().name() == 'inputChange':\n if nuke.thisNode().input(1) != None:\n c\['from0'].setValue('rgba.alpha')\n else:\n c\['from0'].setValue('none')\n \nif nuke.thisKnob().name() == 'chromatiqueab':\n if nuke.thisKnob().value():\n nuke.thisNode()\['abred'].setVisible(True)\n nuke.thisNode()\['abgreen'].setVisible(True)\n nuke.thisNode()\['abblue'].setVisible(True)\n nuke.thisNode()\['FT1'].setVisible(True)\n else:\n nuke.thisNode()\['abred'].setVisible(False)\n nuke.thisNode()\['abgreen'].setVisible(False)\n nuke.thisNode()\['abblue'].setVisible(False)\n nuke.thisNode()\['FT1'].setVisible(False)\n\nif nuke.thisKnob().name() == 'crop':\n if nuke.thisKnob().value():\n nuke.thisNode()\['adjbbox'].setVisible(False)\n else:\n nuke.thisNode()\['adjbbox'].setVisible(True)\n" tile_color 0xcc804eff icon F_iconrgb.png selected true addUserKnob {20 G l Glow} addUserKnob {7 threshold l "@b;Tolerance" t "Sets the low threshold, below which no glowing will occur."} threshold 0.8 addUserKnob {6 preview l Preview t "Show the glow emiter image." -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {14 size l Size R 0 50} size 1 addUserKnob {6 crop l "Crop to Format" t "If bounding box is at or inside the format, dont enlarge it past the format. This avoids creating oversized images that you don't use." +STARTLINE} crop true addUserKnob {14 adjbbox l " Add Pixels" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN R 0 100} adjbbox 50 addUserKnob {6 fxonly l "Effect Only " t "Return the glow without adding it to the input, so you can composite it yourself." +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {6 screen l "Screen " t "Will use blending mode 'screen' instead of 'plus' for softer highlights." +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 S00 l " " T " "} addUserKnob {26 "" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {19 tint l Tint t "Controls the color of added glow."} tint 1 addUserKnob {6 tint_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {41 white_1 l Gain t "Sets the gain of the added glow." T Color.white} addUserKnob {41 gamma_1 l Gamma t "Sets the gamma of the added glow." T Color.gamma} addUserKnob {41 saturation l Saturation t "Color saturation of the added glow." T Saturation.saturation} addUserKnob {41 black_clamp l "Black Clamp " t "Output that is less than zero is changed to zero." T Color.black_clamp} addUserKnob {41 white_clamp_1 l "White Clamp" t "Output that is greather than 1 is changed to 1." -STARTLINE T Color.white_clamp} addUserKnob {26 S01 l " "} addUserKnob {6 chromatiqueab l "Chromatic Aberation" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {7 abred l "@b;R" +HIDDEN R -50 50} abred -1 addUserKnob {7 abgreen l "@b;G" +HIDDEN R -50 50} addUserKnob {7 abblue l "@b;B" +HIDDEN R -50 50} abblue 2 addUserKnob {26 FT1 l " " +DISABLED +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {26 FT2 l " " T " "} addUserKnob {26 FTools l " " t "\n" -STARTLINE T " Franklin Vfx - 2017"} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {41 from0 l Mask T Copy3.from0} addUserKnob {41 disable_1 l Invert -STARTLINE T Invert1.disable} addUserKnob {7 mix l Mix t "Dissolve between the original image at 0 and the full effect at 1."} mix 1 addUserKnob {1 output l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE} output "\[if \{\[value preview]==\"true\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.tile_color 0xb23030ff]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.tile_color 0xcc804eff]\"\}]\[if \{\[value preview]==\"true\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.name_1 \"Preview\"]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.name_1 \"rgb\"]\"\}]\[value name_1]" addUserKnob {1 name_1 l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE} name_1 rgb } Input { inputs 0 name mask xpos 1139 ypos 119 number 1 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {6 in +STARTLINE} in {{"\[exists input1]"}} } AddChannels { channels rgba name AddChannels3 xpos 1139 ypos 234 } set N38616000 [stack 0] push $N38616000 Copy { inputs 2 to0 rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos 1139 ypos 279 disable {{!}} } Invert { name Invert1 xpos 1139 ypos 470 } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 940 ypos 118 } AddChannels { channels rgba name AddChannels2 selected true xpos 940 ypos 233 } set N38655000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot16 xpos 438 ypos 237 } Dot { name Dot8 xpos 438 ypos 480 } set N38654800 [stack 0] Shuffle { red black green black blue black alpha black name Shuffle2 xpos 710 ypos 476 } push $N38655000 Dot { name Dot18 xpos 974 ypos 372 } set N38654000 [stack 0] Keymix { inputs 3 name Keymix1 xpos 820 ypos 470 disable {{!}} } push $N38654000 Switch { inputs 2 which {{Copy3.from0}} name Switch1 xpos 943 ypos 605 } Keyer { operation "luminance key" range {-0.1 0.3352017191 1 1} name Keyer1 xpos 943 ypos 662 } ColorCorrect { saturation {{clamp((gain*7),0.6,1)}} gamma {{clamp((gain*6),0.5,1)}} gain {{-threshold+1.001}} shadows 0 midtones 0 highlights 0 name Tolerence xpos 943 ypos 700 } Clamp { channels rgb name Clamp1 xpos 943 ypos 726 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos 943 ypos 752 } Remove { operation keep channels rgb name Remove1 xpos 943 ypos 795 } set N38714800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot13 xpos 1486 ypos 799 } Crop { box {0 0 {width-1} {height-1}} name Crop1 xpos 1452 ypos 875 } Dot { name Dot17 xpos 1486 ypos 2982 } push $N38714800 Crop { box {0 0 {width-1} {height-1}} crop false name Crop2 xpos 943 ypos 870 disable {{!parent.crop}} } Reformat { type scale scale 1.1 resize none name Reformat1 xpos 943 ypos 896 disable {{!parent.crop}} } Crop { box {{input.bbox.x} {input.bbox.y} {input.bbox.r} {input.bbox.t}} name Crop3 xpos 943 ypos 922 disable {{!parent.crop}} } AdjBBox { numpixels {{adjbbox}} name AdjBBox1 xpos 943 ypos 979 disable {{crop}} } Dot { name Dot19 xpos 977 ypos 1058 } set N9718800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot15 xpos 576 ypos 1058 } set N38751400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot14 xpos 576 ypos 1637 } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{8192*parent.size} {8192*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_8192 xpos 833 ypos 1532 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{4096*parent.size} {4096*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_4096 xpos 833 ypos 1506 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{2048*parent.size} {2048*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_2048 xpos 833 ypos 1480 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{1024*parent.size} {1024*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_1024 xpos 833 ypos 1454 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{512*parent.size} {512*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_512 xpos 833 ypos 1428 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{256*parent.size} {256*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_256 xpos 833 ypos 1402 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{128*parent.size} {128*parent.size 128}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_128 xpos 833 ypos 1376 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{64*parent.size} {64*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_64 xpos 833 ypos 1350 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{32*parent.size} {32*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_32 xpos 833 ypos 1324 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{16*parent.size} {16*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_16 xpos 833 ypos 1298 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{8*parent.size} {8*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_8 xpos 833 ypos 1272 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{4*parent.size} {4*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_4 xpos 833 ypos 1246 hide_input true } push $N38751400 Blur { channels {{{parent.blur_1.channels}}} size {{2*parent.size} {2*parent.size}} crop {{parent.blur_1.crop}} name blur_2 xpos 833 ypos 1220 hide_input true } push $N9718800 Multiply { channels rgb value 0 name Multiply2 xpos 943 ypos 1140 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb mix 0.3 name Plus2 xpos 943 ypos 1220 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb mix 0.6 name Plus4 xpos 943 ypos 1246 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb mix 0.9 name Plus8 xpos 943 ypos 1272 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus16 xpos 943 ypos 1298 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus32 xpos 943 ypos 1324 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus64 xpos 943 ypos 1350 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus128 xpos 943 ypos 1376 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus256 xpos 943 ypos 1402 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus512 xpos 943 ypos 1428 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus1024 xpos 943 ypos 1454 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus2048 xpos 943 ypos 1480 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus4096 xpos 943 ypos 1506 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} bbox B Achannels rgb Bchannels rgb output rgb name Plus8192 xpos 943 ypos 1532 } CopyBBox { inputs 2 name CopyBBox2 xpos 943 ypos 1633 } Reformat { type scale scale 0.9090909091 resize none name Reformat2 xpos 943 ypos 1708 disable {{!parent.crop}} } Crop { box {{input.bbox.x} {input.bbox.y} {input.bbox.r} {input.bbox.t}} crop false name BBox xpos 943 ypos 1734 disable {{!parent.crop}} } Grade { multiply {{"\[python -execlocal size\\ =\\ nuke.thisGroup().knob('size').value()\\n\\nif\\ type(size)\\ !=\\ type(list()):\\n\\ if\\ size\\ >=\\ 1:\\n\\ \\ ret\\ =\\ (size/10+0.9)\\n\\ else:\\n\\ \\ ret\\ =\\ (size/2+0.5)\\n\\nelse:\\n\\ splitw\\ =\\ size\\\[0\\]\\n\\ splith\\ =\\ size\\\[1\\]\\n\\ if\\ splitw\\ >\\ splith:\\n\\ \\ if\\ splitw\\ >=\\ 1:\\n\\ \\ \\ ret\\ =\\ (splitw/10+0.9)\\n\\ \\ else:\\n\\ \\ \\ ret\\ =\\ (splitw/2+0.5)\\n\\n\\ else:\\n\\ \\ if\\ splith\\ >=\\ 1:\\n\\ \\ \\ ret\\ =\\ (splith/10+0.9)\\n\\ \\ else:\\n\\ \\ \\ ret\\ =\\ (splith/2+0.5)]"}} name Size xpos 943 ypos 1841 } Grade { white 3 gamma 0.7 name Default xpos 943 ypos 1904 } Grade { channels rgba white 4 multiply {{parent.tint.r} {parent.tint.g} {parent.tint.b} {parent.tint.a}} name Color xpos 943 ypos 1930 } Saturation { saturation 0.8 name Saturation xpos 943 ypos 1956 } AddChannels { channels rgba name AddChannels4 xpos 943 ypos 2034 } Dot { name Dot2 xpos 977 ypos 2104 } set N389f3c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot5 xpos 844 ypos 2104 } set N389f3800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot6 xpos 719 ypos 2104 } Dot { name Dot7 xpos 719 ypos 2395 } push $N389f3c00 Dot { name Dot1 xpos 1127 ypos 2104 } set N389f2c00 [stack 0] Remove { name Remove2 xpos 1270 ypos 2094 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } Radial { area {0 0 {input.width} {input.height}} name Radial2 xpos 1270 ypos 2171 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } Invert { channels alpha name Invert2 xpos 1270 ypos 2197 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } Grade { channels alpha gamma 0.2 white_clamp true name Grade2 xpos 1270 ypos 2235 icon - disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } set N38a1dc00 [stack 0] push $N389f2c00 LensDistortion1_0 { serializeKnob "" serialiseKnob "22 serialization::archive 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" distortion1 {{abblue/1000}} filter {{parent.LensDistortion1.filter}} cardScale {1.004133821 1.004133821 1} a -0.001009083702 b -0.002115092007 c -0.001014227746 name LensDistortion2 tile_color 0xff00 xpos 1093 ypos 2169 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } Group { inputs 2 name Blur2 help "Même utilité que le \"ZDefocus\" mais plus simple d'utilisation et surtout plus rapide.\n\nPour une utilisation souvent suffisante en 2D." tile_color 0xffff xpos 1093 ypos 2241 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {41 channels l " Input" t "Choisir sur quel channel appliquer l'effet." T Blur11.channels} addUserKnob {7 blur l Size R -100 100} blur {{abblue}} } Input { inputs 0 name ctrl_mask xpos 219 ypos -195 number 1 } Dot { name Dot60 xpos 253 ypos -85 } set N38a1d000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot61 xpos 468 ypos -85 } set N38a1cc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot63 xpos 683 ypos -85 } set N38a1c800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot64 xpos 901 ypos -85 } set N38a1c400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot66 xpos 1120 ypos -85 } set N38a1c000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot68 xpos 1340 ypos -85 } set N38565c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot72 xpos 1550 ypos -85 } Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.7 white_clamp true name Grade27 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1516 ypos 38 icon - } Input { inputs 0 name src label rgba xpos -130 ypos -211 } Dot { name Dot86 xpos -96 ypos -44 } set N38564c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot73 xpos 159 ypos -45 } set N38564800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot74 xpos 377 ypos -45 } set N38564400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot76 xpos 589 ypos -45 } set N38564000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot77 xpos 810 ypos -45 } set N38587c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot79 xpos 1029 ypos -45 } set N38587800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot81 xpos 1249 ypos -45 } set N38587400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot85 xpos 1459 ypos -45 } Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*10 i}} name Blur1 xpos 1425 ypos 38 } push $N38565c00 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.5 whitepoint 0.7 white_clamp true name Grade31 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1306 ypos 37 icon - } push $N38587400 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*7 i}} name Blur18 xpos 1215 ypos 36 } push $N38a1c000 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.3 whitepoint 0.5 white_clamp true name Grade33 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1086 ypos 36 icon - } push $N38587800 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*5 i}} name Blur20 xpos 995 ypos 37 } push $N38a1c400 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.1 whitepoint 0.3 white_clamp true name Grade35 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 867 ypos 36 icon - } push $N38587c00 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*3 i}} name Blur22 xpos 776 ypos 36 } push $N38a1c800 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.05 whitepoint 0.1 white_clamp true name Grade36 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 649 ypos 36 icon - } push $N38564000 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10 i}} name Blur23 xpos 555 ypos 36 } push $N38a1cc00 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.025 whitepoint 0.05 white_clamp true name Grade38 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 434 ypos 36 icon - } push $N38564400 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10/4*2 i}} name Blur25 xpos 343 ypos 36 } push $N38a1d000 Grade { channels rgba whitepoint 0.025 white_clamp true name Grade39 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 219 ypos 38 icon - } push $N38564800 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10/4 i}} name Blur26 xpos 125 ypos 38 } push $N38564c00 Dot { name Dot88 xpos -96 ypos 107 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix27 xpos 125 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix28 xpos 343 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix30 xpos 555 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix31 xpos 776 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix33 xpos 995 ypos 99 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix35 xpos 1215 ypos 99 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix39 xpos 1425 ypos 100 } Output { name Output1 xpos 1425 ypos 225 } Blur { inputs 0 channels { none} size {{blur/10/4}} name Blur11 xpos -23 ypos 38 } end_group Dot { name Dot3 xpos 1127 ypos 2363 } push $N38a1dc00 push $N389f3800 LensDistortion1_0 { serializeKnob "" serialiseKnob "22 serialization::archive 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" distortion1 {{abred/1000}} cardScale {0.9941686392 0.9941686392 1} a 0.00100507366 b 0.003423754824 c 0.001622296055 name LensDistortion1 tile_color 0xff000000 xpos 810 ypos 2167 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } Group { inputs 2 name Blur help "Même utilité que le \"ZDefocus\" mais plus simple d'utilisation et surtout plus rapide.\n\nPour une utilisation souvent suffisante en 2D." tile_color 0xff000000 xpos 810 ypos 2241 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {41 channels l " Input" t "Choisir sur quel channel appliquer l'effet." T Blur11.channels} addUserKnob {7 blur l Size R -100 100} blur {{abred}} } Input { inputs 0 name ctrl_mask label a xpos 219 ypos -195 number 1 } Dot { name Dot60 xpos 253 ypos -85 } set N38214400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot61 xpos 468 ypos -85 } set N38214000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot63 xpos 683 ypos -85 } set N3824bc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot64 xpos 901 ypos -85 } set N3824b800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot66 xpos 1120 ypos -85 } set N3824b400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot68 xpos 1340 ypos -85 } set N3824b000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot72 xpos 1550 ypos -85 } Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.7 white_clamp true name Grade27 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1516 ypos 38 icon - } Input { inputs 0 name src label rgba xpos -130 ypos -211 } Dot { name Dot86 xpos -96 ypos -44 } set N3824a000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot73 xpos 159 ypos -45 } set N3826bc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot74 xpos 377 ypos -45 } set N3826b800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot76 xpos 589 ypos -45 } set N3826b400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot77 xpos 810 ypos -45 } set N3826b000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot79 xpos 1029 ypos -45 } set N3826ac00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot81 xpos 1249 ypos -45 } set N3826a800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot85 xpos 1459 ypos -45 } Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*10 i}} name Blur1 xpos 1425 ypos 38 } push $N3824b000 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.5 whitepoint 0.7 white_clamp true name Grade31 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1306 ypos 37 icon - } push $N3826a800 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*7 i}} name Blur18 xpos 1215 ypos 36 } push $N3824b400 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.3 whitepoint 0.5 white_clamp true name Grade33 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1086 ypos 36 icon - } push $N3826ac00 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*5 i}} name Blur20 xpos 995 ypos 37 } push $N3824b800 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.1 whitepoint 0.3 white_clamp true name Grade35 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 867 ypos 36 icon - } push $N3826b000 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*3 i}} name Blur22 xpos 776 ypos 36 } push $N3824bc00 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.05 whitepoint 0.1 white_clamp true name Grade36 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 649 ypos 36 icon - } push $N3826b400 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10 i}} name Blur23 xpos 555 ypos 36 } push $N38214000 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.025 whitepoint 0.05 white_clamp true name Grade38 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 434 ypos 36 icon - } push $N3826b800 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10/4*2 i}} name Blur25 xpos 343 ypos 36 } push $N38214400 Grade { channels rgba whitepoint 0.025 white_clamp true name Grade39 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 219 ypos 38 icon - } push $N3826bc00 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10/4 i}} name Blur26 xpos 125 ypos 38 } push $N3824a000 Dot { name Dot88 xpos -96 ypos 107 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix27 xpos 125 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix28 xpos 343 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix30 xpos 555 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix31 xpos 776 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix33 xpos 995 ypos 99 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix35 xpos 1215 ypos 99 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix39 xpos 1425 ypos 100 } Output { name Output1 xpos 1425 ypos 225 } Blur { inputs 0 channels { none} size {{blur/10/4}} name Blur11 xpos -23 ypos 38 } end_group Dot { name Dot4 xpos 844 ypos 2325 } push $N38a1dc00 push $N389f3c00 LensDistortion1_0 { serializeKnob "" serialiseKnob "22 serialization::archive 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" distortion1 {{abgreen/1000}} filter {{parent.LensDistortion1.filter}} cardScale {0.9988029003 0.9988029003 1} a 0.0002025651338 b 0.0007281327853 c 0.0003343550488 name LensDistortion4 tile_color 0xff0000 xpos 943 ypos 2168 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } Group { inputs 2 name Blur1 help "Même utilité que le \"ZDefocus\" mais plus simple d'utilisation et surtout plus rapide.\n\nPour une utilisation souvent suffisante en 2D." tile_color 0xff00ff xpos 943 ypos 2241 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} addUserKnob {20 Controls} addUserKnob {41 channels l " Input" t "Choisir sur quel channel appliquer l'effet." T Blur11.channels} addUserKnob {7 blur l Size R -100 100} blur {{abgreen}} } Input { inputs 0 name ctrl_mask label a xpos 219 ypos -195 number 1 } Dot { name Dot60 xpos 253 ypos -85 } set N95f3800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot61 xpos 468 ypos -85 } set N95f3400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot63 xpos 683 ypos -85 } set N95f3000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot64 xpos 901 ypos -85 } set N95f2c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot66 xpos 1120 ypos -85 } set N95f2800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot68 xpos 1340 ypos -85 } set N95f2400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot72 xpos 1550 ypos -85 } Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.7 white_clamp true name Grade27 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1516 ypos 38 icon - } Input { inputs 0 name src label rgba xpos -130 ypos -211 } Dot { name Dot86 xpos -96 ypos -44 } set N960f400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot73 xpos 159 ypos -45 } set N960f000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot74 xpos 377 ypos -45 } set N960ec00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot76 xpos 589 ypos -45 } set N960e800 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot77 xpos 810 ypos -45 } set N960e400 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot79 xpos 1029 ypos -45 } set N960e000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot81 xpos 1249 ypos -45 } set N962fc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot85 xpos 1459 ypos -45 } Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*10 i}} name Blur1 xpos 1425 ypos 38 } push $N95f2400 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.5 whitepoint 0.7 white_clamp true name Grade31 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1306 ypos 37 icon - } push $N962fc00 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*7 i}} name Blur18 xpos 1215 ypos 36 } push $N95f2800 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.3 whitepoint 0.5 white_clamp true name Grade33 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 1086 ypos 36 icon - } push $N960e000 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*5 i}} name Blur20 xpos 995 ypos 37 } push $N95f2c00 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.1 whitepoint 0.3 white_clamp true name Grade35 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 867 ypos 36 icon - } push $N960e400 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10*3 i}} name Blur22 xpos 776 ypos 36 } push $N95f3000 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.05 whitepoint 0.1 white_clamp true name Grade36 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 649 ypos 36 icon - } push $N960e800 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10 i}} name Blur23 xpos 555 ypos 36 } push $N95f3400 Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.025 whitepoint 0.05 white_clamp true name Grade38 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 434 ypos 36 icon - } push $N960ec00 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10/4*2 i}} name Blur25 xpos 343 ypos 36 } push $N95f3800 Grade { channels rgba whitepoint 0.025 white_clamp true name Grade39 label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos 219 ypos 38 icon - } push $N960f000 Blur { channels {{{parent.Blur11.channels}}} size {{blur/10/4 i}} name Blur26 xpos 125 ypos 38 } push $N960f400 Dot { name Dot88 xpos -96 ypos 107 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix27 xpos 125 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix28 xpos 343 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix30 xpos 555 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix31 xpos 776 ypos 98 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix33 xpos 995 ypos 99 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix35 xpos 1215 ypos 99 } Keymix { inputs 3 bbox B name Keymix39 xpos 1425 ypos 100 } Output { name Output1 xpos 1425 ypos 225 } Blur { inputs 0 channels { none} size {{blur/10/4}} name Blur11 xpos -23 ypos 38 } end_group Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name Copy1 xpos 943 ypos 2315 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name Copy4 xpos 943 ypos 2353 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } CopyBBox { inputs 2 name CopyBBox1 xpos 943 ypos 2391 disable {{!chromatiqueab}} } Dot { name Dot11 xpos 977 ypos 2587 } set N96e6c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot9 xpos 1129 ypos 2587 } Multiply { channels rgb value {{parent.mix}} name Multiply1 xpos 1095 ypos 2685 } push $N38654800 Dot { name Dot36 xpos 438 ypos 2728 } set N96e6000 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 channels rgb name Copy2 xpos 1095 ypos 2711 } Dot { name Dot10 xpos 1129 ypos 2880 } push $N96e6c00 push $N96e6000 Dot { name Dot12 xpos 438 ypos 2768 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation {{"group.screen == true ?25:24"}} Achannels rgb maskChannelMask -rgba.alpha mix {{parent.mix}} name Merge7 xpos 943 ypos 2764 } Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.fxonly}} name Switch2 xpos 943 ypos 2876 } Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.preview}} name Switch3 xpos 943 ypos 2978 } Output { name FranklinVfx xpos 943 ypos 3090 } Blur { inputs 0 channels rgb size {{1*parent.size} {1*parent.size}} crop false name blur_1 xpos 833 ypos 1138 hide_input true } end_group