Group { name P_Mask help "P_Mask\n\nCreate a mask using the render of the Position pass. \nIt will have a shape of circle or cube.\n\nThe result mask is create in the Alpha channel.\n" onCreate "if nuke.thisNode()\['created'].value() == False:\n nuke.thisNode()\['created'].setValue(True)\n \n if nuke.thisNode().input(0) is not None:\n w = nuke.thisNode().input(0).width()\n h = nuke.thisNode().input(0).height()\n nuke.thisNode().knob('_Picker').setValue((w/2, h/2))\n else:\n rw = nuke.root().format().width()\n rh = nuke.root().format().height()\n nuke.thisNode().knob('_Picker').setValue((rw/2, rh/2))" knobChanged "if nuke.thisKnob().name() == '_Picker':\n if nuke.root().knob('proxy').value() == True:\n nuke.message('You have to disable the proxy mode')\n else:\n animated = nuke.thisKnob().isAnimated()\n xPos, yPos = nuke.thisNode().knob('_Picker').value()\n with nuke.thisNode():\n node = nuke.toNode('Shuffle_input_channel')\n r = node.sample('red', xPos, yPos)\n g = node.sample('green', xPos, yPos)\n b = node.sample('blue', xPos, yPos)\n \n node = nuke.toNode('Sphere')\n if animated:\n if not node.knob('center').isAnimated():\n node.knob('center').setAnimated()\n else:\n node.knob('center').clearAnimated()\n \n node.knob('center').setValue(\[r,g,b])\n \n posval = nuke.thisNode()\['center_1'].value()\n nuke.thisNode()\['pivot'].setValue(posval)\n \n\n\nif nuke.thisKnob().name() in ('matte', 'showPanel'):\n inputT = nuke.exists('Alpha')\n mode = nuke.thisNode()\['matte'].value()\n if mode == 'rgba.alpha':\n if str(inputT)== 'True':\n nuke.thisNode().setInput(1,None)\n n = nuke.toNode('Alpha')\n nuke.delete(n)\n else:\n if str(inputT)== 'False':\n #nuke.message('Add New Input in Node')\n i = nuke.createNode('Input', inpanel=False )\n i\['name'].setValue('Alpha')\n n = nuke.toNode('Switch2')\n n.setInput(0,i)\n\nif nuke.thisKnob().name() == 'visualise':\n if nuke.thisKnob().value():\n nuke.thisNode()\['point_detail'].setEnabled(True)\n nuke.thisNode()\['point_size'].setEnabled(True)\n else:\n nuke.thisNode()\['point_detail'].setEnabled(False)\n nuke.thisNode()\['point_size'].setEnabled(False)\n\n" tile_color 0xdda92aff selected true icon F_iconalpha.png addUserKnob {20 PM l "Position Mask"} addUserKnob {6 created l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE +STARTLINE} created false addUserKnob {41 in l "@b;P channel" t "Choose the position pass channel." T} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {41 center_1 l INVISIBLE t "Pick a value. \nIt will be the center of the sphere." +INVISIBLE T} addUserKnob {4 shape l Shape t "Chose between cube or sphere for the shape of the mask." M {Sphere Cube ""}} addUserKnob {12 _Picker l " Center " t "Set a position.\nIt will be the center of the 3D mask." -STARTLINE} _Picker {984 453.6000061} addUserKnob {26 S06 l " "} addUserKnob {7 uni_scale l "Global Scale" t "Adjust the uniform scale." R 0 100} uni_scale 10 addUserKnob {7 radius l "Out Scale" t "Adjust feather." R 0 100} radius 5 addUserKnob {7 inner_radius l "In Scale" t "Adjust inner scale." R 0 100} inner_radius 2 addUserKnob {26 S03 l " " T " "} addUserKnob {4 falloff l INVISIBLE t "Falloff profile of the feathered edge." +INVISIBLE M {Linear Smoothstep Cubic "Inverse Cubic" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""}} falloff Cubic addUserKnob {4 color l Overlay t "Show on the RGB the resulting mask using the overlay method. \nChoose the color of the overlay mask." M {none red green blue black "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""}} color red addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {20 options l "3D Options :" n 1} options 0 addUserKnob {13 offset l Translate} addUserKnob {13 rotate l Rotate} addUserKnob {13 scalediv l Scale} scalediv {1 1 1} addUserKnob {13 pivot l Pivot t "Pivot of the 3D mask." +DISABLED} addUserKnob {26 S01 l " "} addUserKnob {6 visualise l "Visualize in 3D" t "Build Volume and Point Cloud in 3D Space." +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {7 point_detail l "Point Detail" t "Controls the number of available points to display in the Viewer. \n0 = No points, 1 = All available points" +DISABLED} point_detail 1 addUserKnob {7 point_size l "Point Size" t "Controls the display size of the points in the Viewer" +DISABLED R 0 10} point_size 4 addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {1 output l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE} output "\[if \{\[value visualise]==\"true\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.tile_color 0xa30000ff]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.tile_color 0xdda92aff]\"\}]\[value shape]" addUserKnob {26 T01 l " (Un)Premult by" T ""} addUserKnob {6 premult l "" t "The Position Pass is divide by the Alpha channel before being processed, and multiplied again afterwards. This can improve the texturing of anti-aliased edges." -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {4 matte l "" t "Choose the Alpha channel.\nAlpha is usefull for a better result with clean edge (UnPremult / Premult).\n\nrgba.alpha: \nPick automaticaly the Alpha from the Input.\n\nrgba.alpha (New Input):\nPick the Alpha from an other Input." -STARTLINE M {rgba.alpha "rgba.alpha (New Input)" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""}} addUserKnob {7 mix l Mix t "Adjust the opacity of the output mask."} mix 1 addUserKnob {26 FT1 l " " T " "} addUserKnob {26 FT2 l " " T " "} addUserKnob {26 FTools l " " t "\n" -STARTLINE T " Franklin VFX - 2017"} } Input { inputs 0 name Position xpos -594 ypos -1070 } Dot { name col xpos -560 ypos -962 } set N87bc7c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot9 xpos -855 ypos -962 } set N87bc7800 [stack 0] push 0 Switch { inputs 2 which {{!matte i}} name Switch2 xpos -1235 ypos -966 } NoOp { name AlphaCheck xpos -1235 ypos -854 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {6 alpha +STARTLINE} alpha {{"\[python \"len(\\\[n for n in nuke.channels(nuke.thisNode().input(0)) if n.find(\\\".a\\\") != -1])>0\"]"}} } AddChannels { channels rgba name AddAlpha xpos -1235 ypos -830 } Dot { name Dot11 xpos -1201 ypos -697 } set N87bc6c00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot12 xpos -1201 ypos 408 } push $N87bc6c00 push $N87bc7c00 Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy1 xpos -594 ypos -708 } set N87bc6400 [stack 0] Unpremult { name Unpremult1 xpos -489 ypos -609 disable {{!AlphaCheck.alpha i}} } push $N87bc6400 Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.premult}} name Switch5 xpos -594 ypos -517 } Dot { name Dot5 xpos -560 ypos -148 } set N82c6bc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot6 xpos -424 ypos -148 } Dot { name Dot7 xpos -424 ypos 317 } push $N87bc7c00 Shuffle { name Shuffle1 xpos -319 ypos -966 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } Remove { operation keep channels rgba name Remove1 xpos -319 ypos -704 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } set N82c6ac00 [stack 0] push $N87bc6c00 push $N87bc7800 Shuffle { in none name Shuffle_input_channel knobChanged "if nuke.thisKnob().name() == 'in':\n xPos, yPos = nuke.thisGroup().knob('_Picker').value()\n r = nuke.thisNode().sample('red', xPos, yPos)\n g = nuke.thisNode().sample('green', xPos, yPos)\n b = nuke.thisNode().sample('blue', xPos, yPos)\n \n node = nuke.toNode('Sphere')\n node.knob('center').setValue(\[r,g,b])\n nuke.thisGroup().knob('pivot').setValue(\[r, g, b])" xpos -889 ypos -829 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy2 xpos -889 ypos -705 } set N82c6a400 [stack 0] Unpremult { name Unpremult2 xpos -1001 ypos -600 disable {{!AlphaCheck.alpha i}} } push $N82c6a400 Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.premult}} name Switch9 xpos -889 ypos -513 } Dot { name xyz xpos -855 ypos -439 } set N80771c00 [stack 0] PositionToPoints { inputs 2 display textured selectable false render_mode textured detail {{point_detail}} pointSize {{point_size}} name PositionToPoints1 xpos -319 ypos -443 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } Dot { name Dot10 xpos -285 ypos -176 } Constant { inputs 0 color {0 0 1 0.5} name Constant1 xpos 378 ypos -474 disable {{!parent.visualise}} postage_stamp false } set N80771000 [stack 0] Cube { selectable false render_mode off rows 1 columns 1 separate_faces false cube {-1 -1 -1 1 1 1} translate {{parent.Cube1.translate} {parent.Cube1.translate} {parent.Cube1.translate}} rotate {{parent.rotate.x} {parent.rotate.y} {parent.rotate.z}} scaling {{Sphere.scale.x} {Sphere.scale.y} {Sphere.scale.z}} uniform_scale {{"parent.radius > parent.inner_radius ? parent.inner_radius:parent.radius"}} name Cube2 xpos 378 ypos -450 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {1 0 0 0.5} name Constant2 xpos 4 ypos -472 disable {{!parent.visualise}} postage_stamp false } set N80770800 [stack 0] Cube { selectable false render_mode off rows 1 columns 1 separate_faces false cube {-1 -1 -1 1 1 1} translate {{} {} {}} rotate {{parent.rotate.x} {parent.rotate.y} {parent.rotate.z}} scaling {{Sphere.scale.x} {Sphere.scale.y} {Sphere.scale.z}} uniform_scale {{parent.radius}} name Cube1 xpos 130 ypos -446 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } Scene { inputs 2 render_mode off name Scene3 xpos 388 ypos -351 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } push $N80770800 Sphere { selectable false render_mode off rows 20 columns 20 radius {{parent.radius}} translate {{} {} {}} rotate {{parent.rotate.x} {parent.rotate.y} {parent.rotate.z}} scaling {{Sphere.scale.x} {Sphere.scale.y} {Sphere.scale.z}} name Sphere2 xpos 4 ypos -446 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } push $N80771000 Sphere { selectable false render_mode off radius {{"parent.radius > parent.inner_radius ? parent.inner_radius:parent.radius"}} translate {{} {} {}} rotate {{parent.rotate.x} {parent.rotate.y} {parent.rotate.z}} scaling {{Sphere.scale.x} {Sphere.scale.y} {Sphere.scale.z}} name Sphere1 xpos 255 ypos -449 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } Scene { inputs 2 selectable false name Scene2 xpos 14 ypos -351 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } Switch { inputs 2 which {{shape}} name Switch4 xpos 194 ypos -331 } Scene { inputs 2 selectable false name Scene1 xpos 204 ypos -200 disable {{!parent.visualise}} } push $N82c6ac00 Dot { name Dot14 xpos 542 ypos -700 } ScanlineRender { inputs 2 name ScanlineRender1 xpos 508 ypos 178 disable true } push $N80771c00 Expression { temp_name0 x temp_expr0 abs(normX.x*(center.r+parent.offset.x-r)+normX.y*(center.g+parent.offset.y-g)+normX.z*(center.b+parent.offset.z-b)) temp_name1 y temp_expr1 abs(normY.x*(center.r+parent.offset.x-r)+normY.y*(center.g+parent.offset.y-g)+normY.z*(center.b+parent.offset.z-b)) temp_name2 z temp_expr2 abs(normZ.x*(center.r+parent.offset.x-r)+normZ.y*(center.g+parent.offset.y-g)+normZ.z*(center.b+parent.offset.z-b)) channel0 none channel1 none channel2 none channel3 { rgba.alpha} expr3 1-max(x/scale.x/parent.radius*2,y/scale.y/parent.radius*2,z/scale.z/parent.radius*2)/2 name Cube xpos -837 ypos -350 cached true addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {18 center l Center} center {{} {} {}} addUserKnob {6 center_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {13 rad} rad {{radians(parent.rotate.x)} {radians(parent.rotate.y)} {radians(parent.rotate.z)}} addUserKnob {13 normX} normX {{cos(rad.z)*(cos(rad.y))} {sin(rad.z)*(cos(rad.y))} {-sin(rad.y)}} addUserKnob {13 normY} normY {{cos(rad.z)*(sin(rad.y)*(-sin(rad.x)))-sin(rad.z)*(cos(rad.x))} {sin(rad.z)*(sin(rad.y)*(-sin(rad.x)))-cos(rad.z)*(cos(rad.x))} {(cos(rad.y)*(-sin(rad.x)))}} addUserKnob {13 normZ} normZ {{cos(rad.z)*(sin(rad.y)*cos(rad.x))-sin(rad.z)*sin(rad.x)} {cos(rad.z)*(sin(rad.y)*cos(rad.x))+cos(rad.z)*sin(rad.x)} {cos(rad.y)*cos(rad.x)}} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {13 scale} scale {{scalediv.x/10*parent.uni_scale} {scalediv.y/10*parent.uni_scale} {scalediv.z/10*parent.uni_scale}} } push $N80771c00 Expression { temp_name0 x temp_expr0 abs(normX.x*(center.r+parent.offset.x-r)+normX.y*(center.g+parent.offset.y-g)+normX.z*(center.b+parent.offset.z-b)) temp_name1 y temp_expr1 abs(normY.x*(center.r+parent.offset.x-r)+normY.y*(center.g+parent.offset.y-g)+normY.z*(center.b+parent.offset.z-b)) temp_name2 z temp_expr2 abs(normZ.x*(center.r+parent.offset.x-r)+normZ.y*(center.g+parent.offset.y-g)+normZ.z*(center.b+parent.offset.z-b)) channel0 none channel1 none channel2 none channel3 { rgba.alpha} expr3 "r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0?0:(scale.x != 1 || scale.y != 1 || scale.z != 1?1-(sqrt(pow2(x)/pow2(scale.x)+pow2(y)/pow2(scale.y)+pow2(z)/pow2(scale.z))/parent.radius):1-(sqrt(pow2(x)+pow2(y)+pow2(z))/parent.radius))" name Sphere xpos -952 ypos -349 cached true addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {18 center l Center} center {0 0 0} addUserKnob {6 center_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {13 rad} rad {{radians(parent.rotate.x)} {radians(parent.rotate.y)} {radians(parent.rotate.z)}} addUserKnob {13 normX} normX {{cos(rad.z)*(cos(rad.y))} {sin(rad.z)*(cos(rad.y))} {-sin(rad.y)}} addUserKnob {13 normY} normY {{cos(rad.z)*(sin(rad.y)*(-sin(rad.x)))-sin(rad.z)*(cos(rad.x))} {sin(rad.z)*(sin(rad.y)*(-sin(rad.x)))-cos(rad.z)*(cos(rad.x))} {(cos(rad.y)*(-sin(rad.x)))}} addUserKnob {13 normZ} normZ {{cos(rad.z)*(sin(rad.y)*cos(rad.x))-sin(rad.z)*sin(rad.x)} {cos(rad.z)*(sin(rad.y)*cos(rad.x))+cos(rad.z)*sin(rad.x)} {cos(rad.y)*cos(rad.x)}} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {13 scale} scale {{scalediv.x/10*parent.uni_scale} {scalediv.y/10*parent.uni_scale} {scalediv.z/10*parent.uni_scale}} } Switch { inputs 2 which {{shape}} name Switch3 xpos -889 ypos -259 } Grade { channels alpha whitepoint {{"1-(min(parent.inner_radius, parent.radius)*(1/parent.radius))"}} white_clamp true name inner_Radius label "\[if \{\[value reverse]==\"false\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon -]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon Reverse]\"\}]\[value icon]" xpos -889 ypos -186 icon - } Dot { name Dot13 xpos -855 ypos -41 } set N79f8f000 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot4 xpos -855 ypos 42 } push $N79f8f000 push $N82c6bc00 Grade { inputs 1+1 white 0 add {{"\[python -execlocal col\\ =\\ nuke.thisGroup().knob('color').value()\\n\\nif\\ col\\ ==\\ \\\"red\\\":\\n\\ ret\\ =\\ 1\\nelse:\\n\\ ret\\ =\\ 0]"} {"\[python -execlocal col\\ =\\ nuke.thisGroup().knob('color').value()\\n\\nif\\ col\\ ==\\ \\\"green\\\":\\n\\ ret\\ =\\ 1\\nelse:\\n\\ ret\\ =\\ 0]"} {"\[python -execlocal col\\ =\\ nuke.thisGroup().knob('color').value()\\n\\nif\\ col\\ ==\\ \\\"blue\\\":\\n\\ ret\\ =\\ 1\\nelse:\\n\\ ret\\ =\\ 0]"} {multiply}} mix {{parent.mix}} name Grade1 xpos -594 ypos -45 disable {{"\[python -execlocal col\\ =\\ nuke.thisGroup().knob('color').value()\\n\\nif\\ col\\ ==\\ \\\"none\\\":\\n\\ ret\\ =\\ 1\\nelse:\\n\\ ret\\ =\\ 0]"}} } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos -594 ypos 32 } Merge2 { inputs 2 bbox B name Merge1 xpos -594 ypos 178 disable true } CopyBBox { inputs 2 name CopyBBox1 xpos -594 ypos 313 } set N746abc00 [stack 0] Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 invert_mask true name Multiply3 xpos -709 ypos 396 disable {{!AlphaCheck.alpha i}} } push $N746abc00 Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.premult}} name Switch10 xpos -594 ypos 484 } Multiply { channels alpha value {{parent.mix}} name Multiply2 xpos -594 ypos 574 } Output { name FranklinVFX xpos -594 ypos 665 } end_group