Group { name P_Project help "Position Project\n\nCamera Project using only the render of the Position pass and the Camera.\n" onCreate "if nuke.thisNode()\['created'].value() == False:\n nuke.thisNode()\['created'].setValue(True)\n nuke.thisNode().knob('project_frame').setValue(nuke.frame())" knobChanged "if nuke.thisKnob().name() in ('matte', 'showPanel'):\n inputT = nuke.exists('Alpha')\n mode = nuke.thisNode()\['matte'].value()\n if mode == 'rgba.alpha':\n if str(inputT)== 'True':\n nuke.thisNode().setInput(3,None)\n n = nuke.toNode('Alpha')\n nuke.delete(n)\n else:\n if str(inputT)== 'False':\n #nuke.message('Add New Input in Node')\n i = nuke.createNode('Input', inpanel=False )\n i\['name'].setValue('Alpha')\n n = nuke.toNode('Switch2')\n n.setInput(0,i)" tile_color 0xdda92aff selected true icon F_iconalpha.png addUserKnob {20 User l "Position Project"} addUserKnob {6 created l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE +STARTLINE} created true addUserKnob {41 in l "@b;P channel" t "Choose the position pass channel." T} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {3 project_frame l "Project Frame" t "Enter the reference frame you want for the camera projection."} project_frame 1 addUserKnob {22 setframe l " Set Current! " t "Set automatically the reference frame to the current frame." -STARTLINE T nuke.thisNode().knob('project_frame').setValue(nuke.frame())} addUserKnob {6 freeze_image l "Hold Image also (same frame)" t "Hold to the same frame the input Image." +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 S01 l " "} addUserKnob {41 filter l Filter T STMap1.filter} addUserKnob {6 crop l Crop t "Crop the incoming image, putting black outside the format area." -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {6 antialiasing l Antialiasing t "Increase the size of the input position pass before the projection." +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 S04 l " " T " "} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 T01 l " (Un)Premult by" t "The Position Pass is divide by the Alpha channel before being processed, and multiplied again afterwards. This can improve the texturing of anti-aliased edges." T ""} addUserKnob {6 premult l "" t "The Position Pass is divide by the Alpha channel before being processed, and multiplied again afterwards. This can improve the texturing of anti-aliased edges." -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {4 matte l "" t "Choose the Alpha channel.\nAlpha is usefull for a better result with clean edge (UnPremult / Premult).\n\nrgba.alpha: \nPick automaticaly the Alpha from the Input.\n\nrgba.alpha (New Input):\nPick the Alpha from an other Input." -STARTLINE M {rgba.alpha "rgba.alpha (New Input)" "" "" "" "" ""}} addUserKnob {26 by2 l " " T " "} addUserKnob {26 FTools l " " t "\n" -STARTLINE T " Franklin Vfx - 2017"} addUserKnob {1 output l INVISIBLE +INVISIBLE} output "\[value project_frame]" } Input { inputs 0 name Pos xpos -276 ypos -437 number 1 } Dot { name Dot2 xpos -242 ypos -229 } set Nebfbbc00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot7 xpos -14 ypos -229 } set Nebfbb800 [stack 0] push 0 Switch { inputs 2 which {{!matte i}} name Switch2 xpos -48 ypos -138 } NoOp { name AlphaCheck xpos -48 ypos -60 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {6 alpha +STARTLINE} alpha {{"\[python \"len(\\\[n for n in nuke.channels(nuke.thisNode().input(0)) if n.find(\\\".a\\\") != -1])>0\"]" i}} } AddChannels { channels rgba name AddAlpha xpos -48 ypos -17 } Dot { name Dot4 xpos -14 ypos 74 } set Nebfbac00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot5 xpos -14 ypos 1201 } push $Nebfbac00 push $Nebfbb800 Dot { name Dot3 xpos 208 ypos -229 } set Nebfba400 [stack 0] Shuffle { in none name Shuffle_input_channel xpos 174 ypos -27 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy1 xpos 174 ypos 64 } set Ned35bc00 [stack 0] push $Ned35bc00 Blur { inputs 1+1 size 2 invert_mask true name Blur1 xpos 386 ypos 64 disable {{!parent.antialiasing}} } Unpremult { name Unpremult1 xpos 386 ypos 102 } Dot { name Dot1 xpos 420 ypos 198 } push $Ned35bc00 Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.premult}} name Switch9 xpos 174 ypos 194 disable {{!AlphaCheck.alpha}} } Reformat { type scale scale 2 pbb true name Reformat5 tile_color 0xff0000ff xpos 174 ypos 294 disable {{!parent.antialiasing}} } Expression { expr0 "(r - Proj_Cam.world_matrix.3)" expr1 "(g - Proj_Cam.world_matrix.7)" expr2 "(b - Proj_Cam.world_matrix.11)" name Distance xpos 174 ypos 417 } Expression { temp_name0 x temp_expr0 "Proj_Cam.world_matrix.0 * r + Proj_Cam.world_matrix.4 * g + Proj_Cam.world_matrix.8 * b" temp_name1 y temp_expr1 "Proj_Cam.world_matrix.1 * r + Proj_Cam.world_matrix.5 * g + Proj_Cam.world_matrix.9 * b" temp_name2 z temp_expr2 "Proj_Cam.world_matrix.2 * r + Proj_Cam.world_matrix.6 * g + Proj_Cam.world_matrix.10 * b" expr0 x expr1 y expr2 z name Transform xpos 174 ypos 452 } set Nf26a5c00 [stack 0] Expression { temp_name0 ratio temp_expr0 1 temp_name1 focal temp_expr1 Proj_Cam.focal temp_name2 u temp_expr2 "0.5 + (r * ((focal/(Proj_Cam.haperture))/b)) * -1" temp_name3 v temp_expr3 "0.5 + (g * ((focal/(Proj_Cam.vaperture * ratio))/b)) * -1" expr0 "u>0 && u<1 && v>0 && v<1 ? u : 0" expr1 "v>0 && v<1 && u>0 && u<1 ? v : 0" channel2 none channel3 none name Solve label ratio=1/pixel_aspect xpos 100 ypos 538 } push $Nf26a5c00 Expression { temp_name0 ratio temp_expr0 1 temp_name1 focal temp_expr1 Proj_Cam.focal temp_name2 u temp_expr2 "0.5 + (r * ((focal/(Proj_Cam.haperture))/b)) * -1" temp_name3 v temp_expr3 "0.5 + (g * ((focal/(Proj_Cam.vaperture * ratio))/b)) * -1" expr0 u expr1 v channel2 none channel3 none name Solve_Crop xpos 246 ypos 551 } Dissolve { inputs 2 which {{parent.crop}} name Dissolve2 xpos 174 ypos 635 } Input { inputs 0 name Image xpos 630 ypos -453 } FrameHold { first_frame {{parent.project_frame i x1060 1060}} name FrameHold1 xpos 630 ypos -356 disable {{!parent.freeze_image i}} } Log2Lin { operation lin2log name Log2Lin1 label "\[if \{\[value operation]==\"lin2log\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon F_iconstart.png]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon F_iconend.png]\"\}]" xpos 630 ypos -318 icon F_iconstart.png } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{}} box_height {{}} box_fixed true box_pixel_aspect {{parent.Crop1.softness}} resize none center false pbb true name Reformat2 xpos 630 ypos -207 } Reformat { type scale scale {{parent.Reformat5.scale}} pbb {{parent.Reformat5.pbb}} name Reformat7 tile_color 0xff0000ff xpos 630 ypos 291 disable {{!parent.antialiasing}} } Dot { name Dot12 xpos 664 ypos 773 } STMap { inputs 2 uv rgb blur_scale 0 maskChannel -rgba.alpha name STMap1 xpos 174 ypos 763 } Log2Lin { name Log2Lin2 label "\[if \{\[value operation]==\"lin2log\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon F_iconstart.png]\"\} \{return \"\[knob this.icon F_iconend.png]\"\}]" xpos 174 ypos 878 icon F_iconend.png } Clamp { maximum 1001 name Clamp1 xpos 174 ypos 969 } Reformat { type scale scale {{1/parent.Reformat5.scale}} pbb true name Reformat8 tile_color 0xff0000ff xpos 174 ypos 1094 disable {{!parent.antialiasing}} } set N34c9800 [stack 0] Multiply { inputs 1+1 value 0 invert_mask true name Multiply1 xpos 77 ypos 1191 disable {{!AlphaCheck.alpha i}} } push $N34c9800 Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.premult}} name Switch10 xpos 174 ypos 1273 } Dot { name Dot6 xpos 208 ypos 1399 } push $Nebfbbc00 Copy { inputs 2 channels rgba name Copy2 xpos -276 ypos 1382 } Output { name FranklinVFX xpos -276 ypos 1524 } Camera2 { inputs 0 read_from_file true display off selectable false useMatrix true matrix { {{"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"}} {{"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"}} {{"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"}} {{"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"} {"\[topnode parent.input2].world_matrix (parent.project_frame)"}} } focal {{"\[topnode parent.input2].focal (parent.project_frame)"}} haperture {{"\[topnode parent.input2].haperture (parent.project_frame)"}} vaperture {{"\[topnode parent.input2].vaperture (parent.project_frame)"}} name Proj_Cam xpos 430 ypos 397 } Input { inputs 0 name Cam xpos 416 ypos 325 number 2 } push $Nebfba400 Reformat { resize none center false name Reformat11 xpos 487 ypos -233 disable true } Crop { box {0 0 {input.width} {input.height}} softness {{"\[python nuke.value(\"%s.pixel_aspect\" % nuke.thisNode().name())]"}} name Crop1 knobChanged "a = nuke.thisNode()\naspectratio = a\['box_pixel_aspect'].value()\nprint aspectratio" xpos 487 ypos -207 } end_group